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New Post 10/12/2010 4:15 AM
User is offline Ravi K
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Data analyst to Business Analyst 

Hi All,

I have 6 years of experience, 3 years on software development (Database developer) and 3 years on Data analytics (Telecom). As a Data Analyst I am doing data mining, UAT, query tuning, requirement gathering, requirement analysis etc. Have good knowledge of SQL, PL/SQL and doing MBA through correspondence.
Should I try for BA or go back to Development (I thought it will be tough and BA has bright future). I am totally confused.



New Post 10/14/2010 6:05 PM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: Data analyst to Business Analyst 


What are the specifics of your question?  The work you describe is BA work, just in one particular area of the business.


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