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New Post 4/29/2009 1:20 PM
User is offline radhika
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how to record requirments? 

Could any one please let me know how the requirements are actually gathered , i know the techniques like JAD's,interviews,meetings , questionnaire, but is it really posiible to capture the requirment just by listening or can we(Busines Analyst)take voice recorders to the meetings ?

what is the excat procedure follwed in the real time, please let me know ia m new to this filed........


Thank you!

New Post 5/9/2009 11:43 PM
Online now... Adrian M.
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Re: how to record requirments? 

I would say that the majority of Business Analysts do not record requirements elicitation sessions. Personally I've tried that a couple of times and found it was a waste of time to try to listen to the recording after the meetings since the vast majority of the time is spent clarifying requirements and needs with the important decisions and discoveries being summarized at specific points during the process.

The best thing to do is to take notes during the meeting and to focus on key decisions. Anytime a key decision is made or when the group arrives at a consensus, document the decision and then read it back to the group to ensure that everybody is on the same page. If you do that there should not be a need to record the sessions.

- Adrian

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New Post 5/11/2009 11:16 AM
User is offline Tony Markos
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Re: how to record requirments? 

How I gather requirements:

Proceed in as top-down a fashion as possible - else, esp for larger scale efforts, the analyst will "drown in an ocean of detail".    (Unfortunately, for larger scale efforts, BPMN is not nearly top-down enough.  I use data flow diagrams.)

Post-pone discussion of the how's and who's till the latter phases.  Initially, you want to go after the business whats. 

As a process is defined by it inputs and outputs, in order to define your processes (i.e., your functional requirements) follow the flow of data inputs and outputs systematically from process to process.  When you find "holes" in your understanding, you have found an essential question.  (Unfortunately, with Use Cases, we pretend that data input output analysis is not needed at all, and with BPMN, data input / output analysis is not the primary focus.)

Structure your questions around such holes.

As functional requirements drive data requirements, first do functional/process analysis, then construct data models to discover data requirements.

I like voice recorders.  They enable me to focus on steering the interview and not on the details of an answer.  But always as ahead of time if they are ok.




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