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New Post 3/12/2009 2:00 AM
User is offline Alexis
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Help with CV/Resume 

Hi guys

When I first joined ModernAnalyst about a month ago I seem to remember that there was an advert or a link to someone offering helpful hints relating to the kinds of things that need to be included in a CV/Resume for a BA role. Can anyone direct me to that link please?

thanx in advance




New Post 3/12/2009 2:10 AM
User is offline Guy Beauchamp
257 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Help with CV/Resume 

Hi Alexis,

The link is and the email link you will find there is [email protected]


New Post 3/12/2009 4:06 AM
User is offline Alexis
2 posts
No Ranking

Re: Help with CV/Resume 

Thanx Guy

Your website looks very useful and I will certainly re-visit it; the link I am thinking of provided a list of "keywords" that need to be included with suggestions of wording etc. I am coming from a Systems Analysis IT background and need to modify my CV for BA which is where my interests now lie so I do not have a BA-focused CV to send to be evaluated yet.

Can anyone else help with this?

Thanx again



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