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New Post 9/10/2017 3:15 AM
User is offline Dinesh
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IT professional interested in pursuing a career in BA 

Hi Guys,

This is my very first post in this forum. To give a very brief overview of my situation, I am a migrant from Sri Lanka who arrived in Melbourne last October. I am a seasoned IT professional who has worked within many disciplines in the IT  industry, starting off from sales and marketing, then gradually moving in to graphic / web design, team leading, custom software project management, and finally moving in to IT related business operations management.

Since being in Melbourne, I managed to land a job in retail at Vodafone Australia, and i have been employed as an in-store business specialist for almost an year now.

My question is, If I want to pursue a career in Business Analysis, what steps should i take? What courses should i study? Please do advice. Thanks for you help in advance guys.


New Post 9/22/2020 6:39 AM
User is offline Jhon Cluade Mooray
3 posts
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Re: IT professional interested in pursuing a career in BA 

Try my sql :D and other courses such as IBM data science Also try UDEMY courses online.

New Post 2/16/2022 2:12 AM
User is offline KevinLee
14 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: IT professional interested in pursuing a career in BA 

Hello sir, try learn data science, but before enter this IT field, learn sql language

New Post 5/11/2022 1:39 AM
User is offline Riri
9 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: IT professional interested in pursuing a career in BA 

Learn the principles of business analysis.
Develop visualizations and practice presenting them by taking a data analytics course and working on projects to hone your practical data analytics skills.
Create a portfolio of your work as a business analyst.

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  Modern Analyst Forums  Careers  Getting Started  IT professional interested in pursuing a career in BA



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