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New Post 3/31/2017 6:31 AM
User is offline mbenoit116
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Grad Degree to Start as a BA? 

I'm in my late twenties with a humanities undergraduate degree (philosophy) and customer service/sales experience in my professional career. I'm going through the BABOK guide, and I'm looking to make the switch to becoming a BA. I'm considering an MBA and/or a M.S. in IT Management. Given my personal situation, if I am ever to get a graduate degree, now is the time.

What does everyone recommend in my situation? Is an MBA or a M.S. useful for either breaking into Business Analysis OR is it useful down the road as I try to move up the corporate ladder? If it will benefit me significantly either soon  or in the future, then for me, now is the time to go after it. 

What do you think? MBA and/or MS for a potential BA? Thanks for your help!

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