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New Post 11/15/2015 6:35 AM
User is offline karl0528
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Sales Force admin cert as a way to become a BA? 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 11/15/2015 1:18:29 PM)

I started working for a large well known software company about 6 months ago in their sales group selling their SaaS offerings (yay I finally got away from banking!). I figured this would be a good way to grow some technical skills that I was missing out on. We use Salesforce extensively and I've thought about studying for the SF Admin cert as I see that there is a great demand for admins and I figured that this could help me ultimately get a BA role.

Does anyone have any feedback about this? Am I foolish or could this be a good launching pad for me?

New Post 11/19/2015 11:09 AM
User is offline natman
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Re: Sales Force admin cert as a way to become a BA? 
Getting a SF admin certification will help you get a job within the IT group instead of sales, which is a step in the right direction toward your goal of becoming a BA.
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