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Webinar: 10 Career-Crushers that Threaten Every Business Analyst – And How to Prevent Them!

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Career opportunities for Business Analysts have never looked better. Both CNNMoney and Indeed.com rank Business Analyst (BA) among today’s most in-demand jobs.

But even the brightest and most ambitious BAs can have their careers thrown off-track by falling victim to one of these 10 common pitfalls…

This webinar will show you what they are, and give you some proven tools and strategies for avoiding them.

Here’s a Sneak Peak of What We’ll Cover…

· Career Crusher #2: Using email as your default means to communicate with busy, hard to reach people 

· Career Crusher #3: Falling victim to the ‘blind approvals’ nightmare

· Career Crusher #6: Using “Track Changes” to manage feedback and revisions 

· Career Crusher #8: Using spreadsheets to manage dependencies 

Plus, you’ll get additional advice from others in your profession on how they’ve stepped around these potential pitfalls to achieve better results. 

AND you will also receive a copy of the useful whitepaper, 10 Reasons Why Documents and Spreadsheets Are Killing Your Career, which includes highlights from the webinar in a concise, easy-to-scan PDF. 

It doesn’t make sense to gamble with your career when mistakes like these ones can be easily avoided - so don’t wait! Register for this webinar now!

FEATURED SPONSOR: Blueprint Software Systems

Access webinar ->  Webinar: 10 Career-Crushers that Threaten Every Business Analyst – And How to Prevent Them!

Download slides -> Slides: 10 Career-Crushers that Threaten Every Business Analyst – And How to Prevent Them!

White paper -> White paper: 10 Reasons Why Documents and Spreadsheets

Are Killing Your Career

PDU & CDU Information: PDUs & CDUs for Modern Analyst Webinars

By dstinson @ Friday, July 26, 2013 9:01 AM
Would you please repost the slides, the file is missing.

By Abhishek Gupta @ Saturday, March 1, 2014 11:49 AM
Please post the slides back...missing

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