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Webinar: Requirements Reuse: Fantasy or Feasible?

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Reuse is an eternal goal for organizations seeking higher software capability. Reusing requirements can increase productivity, improve quality, and lead to greater consistency between related systems. But effective reuse is hard! 

This presentation, based on the recent book Software Requirements, 3rd Edition by Karl Wiegers and Joy Beatty, offers numerous suggestions about how to perform requirements reuse. It describes several kinds of requirements reuse, identifies some classes of requirements information that have reuse potential in various contexts, and presents some issues around making requirements reusable. The presentation concludes by identifying both barriers to effective reuse and success factors that can help your organization leverage its existing body of requirements knowledge.
We hope that you will register today and we look forward to having you join us for this event!
** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. ** 

Karl E. Wiegers, Principal Consultant
Process Impact 

Karl E. Wiegers has provided training and consulting services worldwide on many aspects of software development, management and process improvement. Prior to starting Process Impact in 1997, Karl spent 18 years at Eastman Kodak Company in a variety of roles. Karl is the author of many books including: Software Requirements & More About Software Requirements. 

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Webinar: Requirements Reuse: Fantasy or Feasible? Logic

PDU & CDU Information: PDUs & CDUs for Modern Analyst Webinars

By G Purushothama Naidu @ Saturday, April 29, 2017 9:08 PM
Thanks Mr Wiegers for your webinar the other day, It was a beautiful session about requirements reuse. Looking forward to hearing more sessions from your end.

G Purushothama Naidu

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