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Business Case Template by

Business Case Template by
Statistics: 36830 Views // 6 Comments // Article Rating
Posted by: Adrian M on Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Business Case Template - an MS Word template with pre-set fonts, styles, chapter headers and guidelines.


In order to access this template from the “File/New” menu, change the file extension to ".dot" and copy the file in the MS Word template folder. For MS Word 2003 this folder is: "C:\Documents and Settings\Your Username\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates” . Then when you want to create a new document using this template you will follow these steps: “File/New” then on the right hand side of the screen select “On my computer...” and choose this template from the “General” tab on the “Templates” window that pops up.

Copyright (c) - You are allowed to:

  • use and modify this template
  • replace the Modern Analyst logo with your company logo
  • as long as you reference the source.

Author: Vessela Neytcheva

The goal of a business case document is to capture the rationale for starting a project or task. Usually, it is a well-structured written document which outlines how the given project/initiative supports the business and adds value to the business.

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Rolf Goetz posted on Friday, March 13, 2009 3:39 AM
- you like to assess different solutions against quantified requirements in your business case in a rational way,
- or you want to measure (not guess) business value

... use impact estimation tables.

Here's a template in ENGLISH:

Here's a template in GERMAN:
Rolf Goetz
Ketan posted on Saturday, December 4, 2010 6:21 AM
On the face of it the templates looks good. However when you start to use it I found it difficult to understand how to capture the various options considered within this document structure. So for example , where does the following information go :
1) A description of all the options and the ones you rulled out for further analysis
2) costing analysis for the options you chose to assess
Overall I don't feel this template flows. Has promise but fails to deliver.
haidermirza posted on Thursday, September 22, 2011 10:14 AM
Can anyone suggest a better template? Does PMI have one? I will check. Anyone with strong business case experience please contact me.
David posted on Friday, February 21, 2014 10:00 AM
Here's one that seems to have everything, and so, tailorable.
David A Bauman
AbuZekrii A posted on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 2:52 PM
Cindy posted on Sunday, August 30, 2015 6:31 PM
Provide a completed document as a sample. It would be great those who are new to BA field.
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