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Security Threat Risk Assessment - Findings Report Template

Security Threat Risk Assessment - Findings Report Template
Statistics: 22070 Views // 1 Comments // Article Rating
Posted by: Adrian M on Sunday, November 9, 2008
Categories: Security Analysis

Putting together a easy to read Threat Risk Assessment report is tricky, as you need you satisfy the needs of the business with the needs of the technical staff that will act on the findings.

This sample spreadsheet is one example on how the modern security analyst can put a report together that meets both needs.

The template is divided in to easy to understand tabs with detailed explanation and descriptions for the analyst to follow.

Some of the report features:

  • an executive summary
  • a findings summary that automatically tabulates C, H, M and L findings for project managers
  • a detailed findings report for administrative staff outlining specific details around the compliance checks
  • and a criticality matrix defining the what constitutes a Critical, High, Medium, and Low findings

Submitted by: Stewart Allen

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delacrg posted on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 11:22 AM
Thanks so much for this big input !!
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