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Use Case Specification Template by

Use Case Specification Template by
Statistics: 90764 Views // 5 Comments // Article Rating
Posted by: Vessela Neytcheva on Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Use Case Specification - an MS Word template with pre-set fonts, styles, chapter headers and guidelines.

In order to access this template from the “File/New” menu, change the file extension to ".dot" and copy the file in the MS Word template folder.  For MS Word 2003 this folder is:  "C:\Documents and Settings\Your Username\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates” . Then when you want to create a new document using this template you will follow these steps: “File/New” then on the right hand side of the screen select “On my computer...” and choose this template from the “General” tab on the “Templates” window that pops up.

Copyright (c) - You are allowed to:

  • use and modify this template
  • replace the ModernAnalyst logo with your company logo

 as long as you reference the source.




Author: Vessela Neytcheva

DOWNLOAD: You must be logged-on in order to download templates.


Leslie posted on Monday, March 9, 2009 6:00 PM
I highly recommend not using templates that contain manual formatting. A document that is going to be shared amongst several authors or reviewers needs to contain a predefined set of styles.

I have created just such a use case document here:

Instructions for using this template are here:

The styles are explained here:

Please feel free to add or modify the front cover and sections of the template.

Praakash posted on Monday, February 27, 2012 6:20 AM
good. useful
HENRIQUEZ posted on Friday, January 25, 2013 11:13 AM
Excellent template. Although in my previous experince the use case spec is also part of the PRD document.
tonio posted on Thursday, May 2, 2013 7:18 PM
That suggested website for the use case above from baldrick states it "contains malware"
Andi 01 posted on Wednesday, November 1, 2017 6:45 AM
Good template
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