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Posted by: Ann.Cain on Wednesday, June 29, 2016




 Toronto, ON, Canada (June 27, 2016) – International Institute of Business Analysis™ (IIBA®), the global nonprofit association for the business analysis community, is pleased to announce the appointment of the organization’s new Chair, Vice Chair and Directors of the 2016 IIBA Board.  Following the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Board election process, the new Board has elected Ken Fulmer as Chair and Michele Maritato as Vice-Chair for the coming year. 


“As IIBA moves to a transformative time, I am delighted to accept the role as Chair of the IIBA Board of Directors,” said Ken Fulmer, Chair, IIBA Board of Directors.  “I look forward to continuing to hear from the community, and I am confident that our volunteer Board Members’ enthusiasm, leadership and commitment will bring tremendous insight, oversight and value to our global network.”


“It has been a privilege serving as Chair, and I wish to congratulate Ken and Michele on their new roles in leading our global community,” said Michael Augello, Past Chair, IIBA. “I look forward to continuing to further serving the IIBA worldwide community and supporting our newly elected leader.”


Comprised of 13 Members, the international Board represents the views of its Members and provides strategic oversight, risk management and operational excellence to guide IIBA to deliver on the organization’s core purpose “to unite a community of professionals to create better business outcomes.”


“I would like to thank Michael Augello, Past Chair, for his outstanding leadership and dedication to IIBA.  With his focus, passion and dedication, he has helped to put IIBA on a transformative path forward as we focus on evolving the value and recognition of the association and business analysis,” said Fulmer.


At the 13th Annual General Meeting on May 17, 2016, the IIBA Membership elected seven new directors for a four-year term to the international Board of Directors.  The new Board Members include:


  • Barbara Carkenord, CBAP®
  • Michele Maritato, CBAP®
  • Heather MacNeil
  • Charles Martin
  • Ashish Mehta, CBAP®
  • Heather Mylan-Mains, CBAP®
  • David Polsky
During the AGM, IIBA thanked and acknowledged four outgoing directors for their service to the Board and the global business analysis community. “Thank you to Sarah Gibson, Kathleen (Kitty) Hass, Jonathan (Kupe) Kupersmith and Indira (Indy) Mitra for your ongoing commitment to building a stronger and more dynamic association to meet the needs of the global business analysis community,” said Augello. 


To review the full list of Board Members and to learn more about them, please visit  Should you have any questions or you would like to share any suggestions, please contact us at [email protected].


About IIBA:

International Institute of Business Analysis™ (IIBA®) is a global nonprofit professional association serving the growing field of business analysis. Through a global network, IIBA connects over 29,000 Members, over 117 Chapters and over 290 Corporate Members to unite a community of professionals to create better business outcomes.  


Media inquiries contact:

Kristina Fixter, Director, Brand and Communications

905-487-8023 or [email protected]





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