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Call for Speakers Announced for First Ever Data Modeling Conference
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Posted by: shoberman on Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Westfield, NJ – February 1st, 2012 – Technics Publications, the leader in business intelligence and data management books, is hosting the first ever Data Modeling Conference. This event, called Data Modeling Zone, will be in Baltimore, Maryland, November 12th-15th 2012. The Call for Speakers for this event has just been announced and submissions will be accepted until March 1st, 2012.
Steve Hoberman, president of Technics Publications, says this: “Frequently data modeling is a subject bolted on to other industry events, such as data warehousing. The data modeling profession has matured to the state where it needs to be recognized on its own. I see Data Modeling Zone as a great opportunity to share data modeling knowledge, and build a profession and community for data modelers.”
For additional information on this event: Contact Steve Hoberman at [email protected] or at 908-543-3050.
Technics Publications ( publishes information technology books specializing in business intelligence and data management.





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