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The Decision Model Live Primer featured at 2010 RulesFest™ OpenRules Bootcamp
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Posted by: kpiusa on Thursday, July 29, 2010


Edison, NJ, – Knowledge Partners International, LLC and OpenRules, Inc.  announced today that they will jointly present a Live Primer of The Decision Model at the RulesFest in October 2010.

“The Decision Model is a great fit for OpenRules and will help many of our clients to represent their business logic in a very compelling, unified and transparent way,“ said Dr. Jacob Feldman, Chief Technology Officer, OpenRules, Inc.

Under the title “OpenRules and The Decision Model”  Jacob Feldman and Larry Goldberg, Managing Partner at Knowledge Partners International will conduct a Bootcamp  featuring a Live Primer of The Decision Model integrated in OpenRules  5.4.0.

The Decision Model enables businesses to discover, organize and manage the business logic (business rules) behind their important operational and strategic business decisions. The model is entirely independent of technology, but provides a means of shared understanding between the business and technology.

 “OpenRules is an important partner for us to introduce The Decision Model to a greater audience, and its implementation in this technology is an excellent example of its utility,“ said Larry Goldberg.

OpenRules® is an Open Source Business Rules Management System ( It utilizes commonly used tools such as MS Excel, Eclipse IDE and Google Docs. Release 5.4.0 provides a Live Primer for The Decision Model.

The RulesFest™ is the world’s only technical conference devoted to the practical application of reasoning, inferencing, and rules-based technologies. The event takes place October 11-14, 2010 in San Jose, CA.

Please visit for more information on how to register for Rules Fest 2010.


About The Decision Model

In 2009 Knowledge Partners International introduced The Decision Model, a technology independent model based on the inherent structure of business logic. The model is proposed in a groundbreaking new book The Decision Model: A Business Logic Framework Aligning Business and Technology (Auerbach, 2009). The book is written for both the technical and non-technical reader, providing a detailed theoretical framework as well as a real-life approach to adopting The Decision Model in practice in business rules projects. It also provides commentary on the use of The Decision Model in an Enterprise and Business Architecture, in Service Oriented Architecture, in Business Process Management, in business requirements, and analysis, as well as management practices in general (

About Knowledge Partners International LLC

Knowledge Partners International, LLP (KPI) is the thought leader and innovator in the field of Business Decision Modelling and Requirements. We empower many of the Global 1,000 companies to discover, organize and manage their business decisions. Its KPISTEP methodology uses fewer resources, and is faster, more reliable, and more transparent than any other business rules approach. It enables lower cost system development and transformation and ensures the shortest time to market, compared to any other approach. The company has added a new focus on Requirements, using our evolutionary framework and methodology called FirstSTEP. KPI’s Clients now solve the critical problems that plague many projects: incomplete or inaccurate requirements, and the resulting poor communication between business and IT. Our methodologies are independent of technology, and work in both waterfall, iterative, and agile approaches. Many of KPI’s clients see their adaptation of the company's methodologies as one of their key competitive advantages in a market place driven by increasingly complex and fast moving business decisions and challenging IT projects.

KPI provides project leadership to help organizations implement KPISTEP and FirstSTEP; we also provide training, certification, mentorship and knowledge transfer to ensure that our clients become quickly self sufficient in their capabilities.


About OpenRules

OpenRules, Inc. is the company that has developed, enhances and maintains the Open Source Business Rules Management System commonly known as OpenRules®.  OpenRules, Inc. also provides technical support and consulting services related to the OpenRules® product.OpenRules, Inc. is a NJ-based corporation founded by Dr. Jacob Feldman in February 2003.  The company's original name "Intelligent ChoicePoint, Inc." was changed to "OpenRules, Inc." in December 2003 when the OpenRules® product was made publicly available for the first time.  Over the years OpenRules has become one of the most popular Business Rules Management Systems. Every day OpenRules helps customers to handle millions of transactions in real-world production environments for:


·         Major commercial institutions such as Thomson Reuters, Commerzbank,

        ABN AMRO, Blue Shield of California, AXA Paris, or Fiserv

·         Major government agencies such as Internal Revenue Service, European Patent Office, 

·         Online businesses such as GraphiteStore, Assu2000, StarHub, Intersys AG or CashEdge

·         Health care providers such as Children Hospital of Philadelphia.

OpenRules, Inc. makes its open source product available to any commercial or non-commercial customer and provides reliable technical support.  In addition, OpenRules specialists consult US and international businesses.  We are proud for being known as experts in developing practical decision support applications using:

·         Business Rules Approach

·         Constraint and Linear Programming

·         Machine Learning Techniques

·         SOA Architectures with Business Rules, Predictive Analytics and Optimization components integrated into Business Process Management infrastructures.

 OpenRules, Inc. is also an official US Government Contractor with key employees having a US security clearance. OpenRules has developed decision support systems for large government agencies such as IRS.

For more information please contact:

Michael Grohs, Knowledge Partners International LLC, (919) 439-8677, [email protected]

Valentina Ustinovich, OpenRules, Inc., (732) 993-3131, [email protected]    




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