Humor & Comics for the Business Analyst

Entries for 'Aaron Whittenberger'

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Business Analyst, Requirements, or Business Analysis Cartoon/Humor/Comics Submission

Do you have a great cartoon idea relevant to the business analyst or related to requirements and business analysis?  If so, we want to hear from you.  Just submit us your idea and you may see it in one of our future cartoons.  You can also e-mail your humor ideas to cartoons[at]ModernAnalyst[dot]com.




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Cascade - The Book
This blog has been started because, like anyone who writes a bit for a living, I thought I had a book to I did. This blog also hi-lights t... Read More...

How to solve problems?
As an analyst I almost daily have to solve some kind of problems and I bet you do also. Problems can be in different forms, but I’ve been noticing tha... Read More...

Do you have what's in the BABOK?
How do you measure up against the IIBA's BOK.  Take a quick self assessment and then work out a personal development plan to help you get ready f... Read More...

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