Humor & Comics for the Business Analyst

Have a cartoon idea?

Business Analyst, Requirements, or Business Analysis Cartoon/Humor/Comics Submission

Do you have a great cartoon idea relevant to the business analyst or related to requirements and business analysis?  If so, we want to hear from you.  Just submit us your idea and you may see it in one of our future cartoons.  You can also e-mail your humor ideas to cartoons[at]ModernAnalyst[dot]com.




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CuriosiTy Shapes the Mind
There is no doubt in my mind that curiosity nurtures the mind when it comes to T shaped skills.  T shaped professional are specialist in somet... Read More...

Who is a Business Analyst
You’ve probably been hearing about Business Analysis or you’ve never heard of it before and you want to understand what it truly means. Th... Read More...

The Agile Application Assassin
You know, it’s the coolest nickname I’ve ever received - but it almost sounds negative. I mean am I going in and assassinating your application? No, I... Read More...

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