Books for the Business Analyst

Pocket Guide to Technical Communication

Pocket Guide to Technical Communication
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Categories: Technical Writing

Author: William S. Pfeiffer
Paperback: 256 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0131721050

This handy reference is ideal for anyone interested in improving business, technical and scientific writing. It contains samples of every major document type (resume’, business letter, etc.) and showcases well-written documents that serve as “how to” guides so readers can model the organization, structure and tone in their own writing assignments. It emphasizes the writing process, the structure and design of writing, and related topics such as graphics and oral presentations. Alphabetized for easy reference, a writing handbook is also included for quick checks of grammar and spelling. Totally updated, this text provides a text-specific Companion Website with numerous activities includinginteractive editing and revision exercises. Provides models of 17 different types of communications. Offers helpful guidelines regarding other forms of communication skills that influence effective writing such as organization and speech. Discusses the explosion of electronic communication and provides format guidelines and samples of effective e-mail. Examines the role that writing plays in other communication arts such as graphics and oral presentations.
Excellent resource for corporate training seminars in writing.


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