Books for the Business Analyst

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): A Planning and Implementation Guide for Business and Technology

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): A Planning and Implementation Guide for Business and Technology
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Categories: Technical Topics

Author(s): Eric A. Marks, Michael Bell
Hardcover: 384 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0471768944

"This book provides a superb overview of the SOA topic. Marks and Bell provide practical guidance across the entire SOA life cycle-from business imperatives and motivations to the post-deployment business and technical metrics to consider. With this book, Marks and Bell demonstrate a unique ability to take the complex dynamics of SOA, and through an eloquent set of metaphors, models, and principles, provide an understandable and insightful how-to manual for both technical and business executives. This will become a required handbook for any organization implementing SOA."
—Dan Bertrand, Enterprise Technology Officer & EDS Fellow, EDS Corporation

"A fundamental breakthrough in the business and technology perspectives of SOA-this book belongs in every software developer, architect, and IT executive library. Marks and Bell demonstrate a creative and practical approach to building complex, service-oriented systems. I especially liked the hands-on perspective brought to multiple aspects of SOA. A must-have guide in the technology turbulence of the future." 


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