Books for the Business Analyst

Structured Analysis and System Specification (Yourdon Press Series)

Structured Analysis and System Specification (Yourdon Press Series)
Statistics: 9725 Views // 1 Comments // Article Rating
Categories: Methodologies

Author(s): Tom Demarco
Library Binding: 352 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0138543808

This classic book of tools and methods for the analyst brings order and precisions to the specification process as it provides guidance and development of a structured specification. Covers functional decomposition; data dictionary; process specification; system modeling; structured analysis for a future system. Suitable for practicing systems analysts.



Rose92 posted on Monday, April 10, 2017 12:38 AM
In software engineering, structured analysis (SA) and structured design (SD) are methods for ...
Child Development Yourdon. Structured analysis and system specification published in 1979 by Tom DeMarco. ..... Modern Structured Analysis, Yourdon Press Computing Series, 1989, ISBN 0-13-598624-9; Keith Edwards (1993).
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