Books for the Business Analyst

The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 1: A Library of Universal Data Models for All Enterprises

The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 1: A Library of Universal Data Models for All Enterprises
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Author(s): Len Silverston
Paperback: 542 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0471380238

The Data Model Resource Book, Revised Edition, Volume 1 is the best book I?ve seen on data architecture. It does not merely address the top levels of a data architecture (Zachman Framework row one or two); it provides both common and industry-specific logical models as well as data designs that may be customized to meet your requirements. The end result is a is a rich framework whose models span the higher and lower levels of a data architecture, including high-level models, logical models, warehouse designs, star schemas, and SQL scripts. You can use the data models, designs, and scripts as templates or starting points for your own modeling, an introduction to subject areas you might not be familiar with, a reference to validate your existing models, and a help to building an enterprise data architecture. The book provides techniques to transform models from one level to another, as well as tips and techniques for getting the appropriate levels of abstraction in the models. Instance tables (sample data) help bring the models to life. I have customized and used the models from the first edition on many projects in the last two years?it is an invaluable resource to me.


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