Books for the Business Analyst

Business Process Management Systems: Strategy and Implementation

Business Process Management Systems: Strategy and Implementation
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Author(s): James F. Chang
Hardcover: 304 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0849323102

Business Process Management Systems: Strategy and Implementation discusses business management practices and the technology that enables them. It analyzes the history of process management practices and proposes that BPM practices are a synthesis of BPR (radical change) and TQM (continuous change) practices. Both business and IT professionals receive an integrated view of how various management practices merge into BPM.

This volume describes the many technologies that converge to form a Business Process Management System (BPMS), illustrating BPMS standards and service-oriented architecture (SOA).

Exploring BPM implementation methodology, it discusses business management concepts, principles, and practices and the technology that enables these practices. The book reviews data integration, messaging-based integration, component-based integration, and workflow technologies, as well as highlights BPMS standards. It also illustrates types of business process management systems, including data-centric, application-centric, and process-centric integration products.


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