Books for the Business Analyst

Business Information Systems: Analysis, Design & Practice

Business Information Systems: Analysis, Design & Practice
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Author(s): Graham Curtis; David Cobham
Paperback: 686 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0273687924

Helps students to gain a comprehensive understanding of how information systems can aid the realisation of business objectives. The book covers BIS from a business, technical and systems development perspective.With balanced and clear coverage of the more technical systems aspects of BIS and the softer, more managerial topics together with an analytical approach, this well-established text provides a solid coverage of the topic from systems, design analysis and planning to data mining, business intelligence and knowledge management. Companion website includes multiple choice questions, hints to help you answer the questions in the book, weblinks, an online glossary and additional case studies Suitable to students taking a BIS degree or a BIS module on a business or computing degree.


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