Books for the Business Analyst

Data Modeling Essentials, Third Edition

Data Modeling Essentials, Third Edition
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Author(s): Graeme Simsion, Graham Witt
Paperback: 560 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0126445510

"The perfect balance of theory and practice, giving the reader both the foundation and the tools to deliver high-quality data models." -Karen Lopez, Principal, InfoAdvisors, Inc. "The complete guide to data modeling for the reflective practitioner. Students like this book and so do I -- it is clear and accessible without sacrificing rigor." -Professor Graeme Shanks, School of Business Systems, Monash University, Australia "A unique, practical and comprehensive guide, providing an invaluable resource to anyone involved in data modeling from the novice to the expert data modeler." -Len Silverston, author of The Data Model Resource Book, Volumes 1 and 2. "Includes an extraordinary amount of good, useful, and well articulated information about the field." -David Hay, President, Essential Strategies, Inc. and author of Data Model Patterns "Data Modeling Essentials is a fresh look at an old topic...much more accesible and refreshing in its tone and attitude. Simsion's explanations are very clear and his examples easy to follow...This book is useful for both beginners and experienced data modelers who want a new innovative approach to the important task of documenting data requirements." - The Bridge --Barbara A. Carkenord "The book is extremely well-written. It is humorous at times, full of useful anecdotes, and follows a very logical sequence...In summary, I found Data Modeling Essentials, Third Edition, very useful for data modelers at any level of experience." - DM Review


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