Books for the Business Analyst

Practical Project Initiation: A Handbook with Tools (Best Practices)

Practical Project Initiation: A Handbook with Tools (Best Practices)
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Author(s): Karl E. Wiegers
Paperback: 224 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0735625211


Get the practical guide to getting your development project off to a successful start!

Zero in on key project-initiation tasks--and build a solid foundation for successful software development. In this concise guide, critically-acclaimed author Karl E. Wiegers fills a void in project management literature by focusing on the activities that are essential--but often overlooked--for launching any project. Drawing on his extensive experience, Karl shares lessons learned, proven practices, and tools for getting your project off to the right start--and steering it to ultimate success.

Lay a foundation for project success--discover how to:

* Effectively charter a project
* Define meaningful criteria for project success and product releases
* Negotiate achievable commitments for project teams and stakeholders
* Identify and document potential barriers to success--and manage          project risks
* Apply the Wideband Delphi method for more accurate estimation
* Measure project performance and avoid common metrics traps
* Systematically apply lessons learned to future projects

Companion Web site includes:
* Worksheets from inside the book
* Project document templates
* Resources for project initiation and process improvement


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