Books for the Business Analyst

DMN in Action with OpenRules: A Practical Guide for Development of Business Rules and Decision Management Applications using Decision Model and Notation ... and OpenRules (Business Decision Modeling)

DMN in Action with OpenRules: A Practical Guide for Development of Business Rules and Decision Management Applications using Decision Model and Notation ... and OpenRules (Business Decision Modeling)
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Author: Jacob Feldman

Would you like to know how a rules-based decision model can be constructed by a non-programmer? Do you plan to build an operational decision model for your own business environment?

This guide explains how to do it in a step-by-step easy to understand style. It consists of a series of dialog-sessions in which an AUTHOR explains basic concepts and a READER asks questions and implements the concepts. As a result, you will participate in building complete decision models being able to learn practical decision modeling techniques by example.

The guide is based on the Decision Model and Notation (DMN) Standard and utilizes the popular open source system commonly known as “OpenRules.” The guide is accompanied by open source software which allows the reader to download and analyze all considered decision models. The reader can make changes in any provided decision model or write a new one using only MS Excel. Then the reader may execute a modified decision model and analyze the produced results.


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