Books for the Business Analyst

Delivering the Customer-Centric Organization (Volume 1)

Delivering the Customer-Centric Organization (Volume 1)
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Author: Layna Fischer (Ed)
Paperback: 174 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0984976430

Customer-centric organizations are concerned about shrinking volumes of business, stiffer competition and ever-more demanding consumer expectations which have increased pressure on the bottom line. The ability to successfully manage the customer value chain across the life cycle of a customer is the key to the survival of any company today. Business processes must react to changing and diverse customer needs and interactions to ensure efficient and effective outcomes.

This important book looks at the shifting nature of consumers and the workplace, and how BPM and associated emergent technologies will play a part in shaping the companies of the future.

BPM’s promises are real, but the path to success is littered with pitfalls and shortcuts to failure. Best practices can help you avoid them. If you are just embarking on using its methods and tools, these authors have a wealth of experience to learn from and build on.

Whether you are a business manager or an Information Technology practitioner, this special collection will provide valuable information about what BPM can do for you—and how to apply it.


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