Books for the Business Analyst

Business Rule Concepts

Business Rule Concepts
Statistics: 6779 Views // 0 Comments // Article Rating
Categories: Business Rules

Author: Ronald G. Ross
Paperback: 162 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0941049146

Easy-to-understand explanation of business vocabulary, business rules and business processes ... and how they relate!

Find out how to ...

Analyze and manage each of the two major kinds of business rules.
Analyze and define business concepts, model business vocabulary, and create a concept model.
Make business processes smart and agile.

Down-to-earth, authoritative!

Introducing ConceptSpeakTM ... the breakthrough approach for developing concept models and developing business vocabularies.

Also featured ...

Business rules in business architecture
Re-engineering governance using General Rulebook Systems (GRBS)
Real-world use of SBVR

Requirements, Smart Architecture, Compliance, Business Vocabulary

This concise, easy-to-read handbook presents a groundbreaking, common-sense approach to solving today s operational business problems. Find out why current IT methods have broken down and no longer scale.

Here are proven answers. Get your company on the road to true business agility!


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