Books for the Business Analyst

Data Quality Assessment

Data Quality Assessment
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Author: Arkady Maydanchik
Perfect Paperback: 336 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0977140022

DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT is an excellent book and a must read for any data quality professional. Arkady packs years of experience in data quality into comprehensive step-by-step instructions for practitioners of all levels. --R. Michael Levin, Sr. Database Architect, Lockheed Martin

DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT is an excellent book and a must read for any data quality professional. Arkady packs years of experience in data quality into comprehensive step-by-step instructions for practitioners of all levels. --R. Michael Levin, Sr. Database Architect, Lockheed Martin

About the Author

Arkady Maydanchik is a recognized practitioner, author, and educator in the field of data quality and information integration. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars, and teaches data quality courses through the Data Warehousing Institute and through his company, Data Quality Group LLC.


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