Books for the Business Analyst

The Business Value of IT: Managing Risks, Optimizing Performance and Measuring Results

The Business Value of IT: Managing Risks, Optimizing Performance and Measuring Results
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Author: Michael D. S. Harris, David Herron, Stasia Iwanicki
Paperback: 296 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1420064742

The Business Value of IT: Managing Risks, Optimizing Performance, and Measuring Results examines how to measure IT performance, how to put a dollar value on IT, and how to justify value of an entire IT program. It places sharp technical focus on the techniques, methods, and processes used to identify and to assess risks. Based on the authors’ extensive experience in the field, this comprehensive text discusses IT from the perspective of its contribution to business, the necessity of governance, the importance of measuring performance, and changes that must be made in order to effectively measure IT.


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