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What are the SAFe Lean-Agile Principles?

Posted by Adrian M.

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Categories: Agile Methods


The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), a leading framework for business agility, is based on a set of principles, mostly derived from the lean-agile discipline.  These principles include: 

Take an Economic View

  • Identify the economic trade-offs and make decisions based on economic principles.
  • Consider the full value stream and its operation within the approved budget

Apply Systems Thinking

  • Optimize the whole system, rather than focusing on individual components.
  • Consider the interactions and dependencies among various components of the entire system.

Assume Variability; Preserve Options

  • Embrace uncertainty and variability, and maintain the ability to make decisions at the last responsible moment.
  • Identify multiple requirements and design options for a longer period in the development cycle.

Build Incrementally with Fast, Integrated Learning Cycles

  • Build in small, incremental steps with feedback loops to allow for continuous learning and improvement.
  • Integrate completed code and test frequently to ensure quality.

Base Milestones on Objective Evaluation of Working Systems

  • Base milestones on the achievement of business value and objective evaluation of working systems.
  • Evaluate progress often, throughout the development life cycle.

Make Value Flow Without Interruptions

  • Visualize and limit WIP (work in progress).
  • Reduce batch sizes and manage queue lengths.
  • Minimize handoffs and dependencies.

Apply Cadence, Synchronize with Cross-Domain Planning

  • Aligning development cadence across multiple teams.
  • Provide regular opportunities for cross-domain planning.

Unlock the Intrinsic Motivation of Knowledge Workers

  • Encourage a culture of innovation, collaboration, and ownership.
  • Support the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers with autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

Decentralize Decision-Making

  • Push decision-making to the lowest level possible, while ensuring role clarity.
  • Allow teams and individuals to make decisions in their areas of expertise.

Organize around Value

  • Form align teams and align them to value streams.
  • Establish technology portfolios and development value streams.



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