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Describe the V-Model

Posted by Chris Adams

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Categories: Business Analysis, Systems Analysis, SDLC, Process, and Methodologies, Project Management, Testing & Quality Assurance (QA)


The V-Model has been in existence for decades but has been continually revised, evolved, and extrapolated by numerous authors and institutions. Any web search of the V-model will return a multitude of somewhat different descriptions with customized terminology, phase names and diagrams.  However, they all tend to adhere to a few common principles.

First, the V-Model is essentially an extension of the waterfall model.  The system design and development stages of Requirements Gathering through Coding are shown as the downward sloping left side of a “V”, with the Testing stage being broke into its constituent phases of Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, and User Acceptance Testing creating the upward sloping right side of the “V”.  Each system design and development stage on the left corresponds with a testing stage on the right. Each phase of testing is planned in parallel with each of the corresponding system design and development stages to ensure that the appropriate effort and attention is allocated.


Other than a greater emphasis on the importance of testing (which is still part of the Waterfall model just not emphasized diagrammatically) the V-Model is quite similar to the Waterfall model.  Therefore, it has many of the same strengths and weaknesses. 

Chris Adams
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