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New Post 12/31/2014 10:07 PM
User is offline BigPicGuy
16 posts
9th Level Poster

Modern analysts! What are your new year resolutions/plans? 

1. New areas(BA/DA/Dev, others) to look out for.

2. Certifications planned.

3. Work related changes.

4. Anything else.


New Post 1/9/2015 10:02 PM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Modern analysts! What are your new year resolutions/plans? 
"4. Anything else."

Just like in many interviews I've been on ...  they ask "Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years ?"

I respond: "With or Without Winning The Lottery".

So to eliminate silly interview questions ... I'm hoping to hit the lottery ... and that could activate your #3 ... " Work related changes".

New Post 1/13/2015 1:19 AM
User is offline BigPicGuy
16 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Modern analysts! What are your new year resolutions/plans? 


I like your response. 

My intent of asking the question was to know where the profession is headed this new year.


New Post 1/13/2015 4:33 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Modern analysts! What are your new year resolutions/plans? 

"My intent of asking the question was to know where the profession is headed this new year."

From what I see (I Do Only Contracting) ... is a bigger combination of roles ... Combining Project Management / Project Owner / Business Systems Analysis ... and programming / testing when needed.

More companies are claiming to be Agile ... but I have never seen a 100% Agile project ... there has Always been pre-project work to go on and scope changed along the way (backlog changes).

I'd read some job boards to see what companies are looking for in a Business Analyst ... you would be surprised at some of the silly requirements they want people to have.

New Post 1/13/2015 6:44 AM
User is offline vlookup
39 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Modern analysts! What are your new year resolutions/plans? 

I have put a request in to attend 3 days worth of SQL Integration Services training at the local University.  If that falls through then I'll go for the SQL advance development class (about half the cost).  

I also plan on starting to go through web matrix to build front ends.  I find waiting for the development team is so painful and I hate not having the control.  If I could get on those two I would be is really good shape.  

Of course personal goals would consist of eating much better and continue to hike 11 - 15 miles a week.  

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