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New Post 9/28/2011 9:38 PM
User is offline garagedoors
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Re: Business Analyst Vs Business Consultant  

yes, difference is that..

Business analyst actually translates client requirements into software requirements. He acts as a bridge between the client and software developers. On the other hand, a business consultant helps in optimizing the whole business operations.

New Post 12/3/2013 2:48 AM
User is offline DavidLSchiavone
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Re: Business Analyst Vs Business Consultant  
Modified By Chris Adams  on 12/3/2013 12:55:50 PM)

A business analyst is an employee inside a company.He works to build relationship between client and company.Business consultant is adviser who helps to build the business in the right direction.He will be an outsider to the company working based on some contract .Mostly  these consultants  will be assigned by a Business consulting company.

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