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New Post 4/27/2010 11:57 PM
User is offline Ashok Kumar
1 posts
No Ranking

Sr. Web Java Developer 

Company Name: City of New York

Experience: 0-10 yrs

Location: New York

Education: Any Degree

Industry Type: Production/Maintenance

Skills: J2EE on Websphere 6+, RAD, Struts 1.2 (Struts 2.0 is a plus), Spring 2.x, Hibernate 3.x and Subversion, Software Development Methodology, debugging skills, Linux/Unix operating systems

For More Details Click Here

New Post 5/9/2010 12:32 AM
User is offline Zeeshan
1 posts
No Ranking

Re: Sr. Web Java Developer 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 5/9/2010 12:52:16 PM)



java 1 - score: 3.83 -> scored higher than 97% of all previous test takers

java 2 - score: 4.31 -> scored higher than 98% of all previous test takers

technical skills


Java (J2SE, Java SE, J2EE, Java EE), JavaScript, SQL, PHP, XML, XSL/T, X/HTML, Perl, CGI, C


MS Windows 9x/XP/NT, Linux 6.x/7.x/8.x/9.x/Fedora, UNIX AIX 4.x/5.x, MS-DOS


Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, PostgreSQL, Btrieve, DB2


Web Services, EDA, ESB, SOAP, WSDL, XSD, UDDI, XML, WS-*, WS-Basic Profiles, Tibco ADB, Tibco EMS, Tibco BusinessWorks, Apache Axis, Active SOAP, Active MQ, XML Beans, XML Spy, Oxygen, Blue Titan


J2EE, Java Security, JSP/Servlets, Java Applets, EJB, XML, XSL/XSLT, AJAX, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, Perl, CGI, Apache, Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic, Struts

Tools & Utils:   

JDK, J2SE, J2EE, BDK, ASDK, JUnit, JTest, Eclipse, Visual Cafe, JBuilder, VisualAge Java, Jext, CVS, CMVC, Xerces, Xindice, Ant, ArgoUML, Nokia Toolkit, Tibco, HomeSite, Unix Tools (vi, awk, sed), Remedy, Netcool, CANA

1. Accounting Project - The product is a very successful online double-entry accounting system. Up to 80% of the code and the tools are written by me containing more than 250K lines Java source code.

  • designing the database and implementing it on Sybase (Windows) and PostgreSQL (Linux)
  • developing the Java Server packages, Servlet/JSP and Perl administration tools. To connect to the database I was using JDBC:PostgreSQL for Linux and JDBC:ODBC:Sybase for Windows
  • developing Java (Swing/AWT) client to work like an Application and Applet using the server via RMI
  • developing the Web Pages using JSP, Java Applets, JavaScript, DHTML and graphics tools
  • testing and supporting

2. Web Shopping Project - My Positions: Senior Java Developer

  • developing an interface between this project (WebShopping) and the Accounting project in 100% Java

3. Web Rank Report Project - My Positions: Senior Java Developer

  • developing the main classes for searching over Internet and generating the Reports in 100% Java
  • developing the admin/configuration tools using JSP/Servlets on Apache, Tomcat, and Weblogic

4. Banking Project - My Positions: Senior Web Developer

The product is an Online home and business-banking system developed in PHP, JavaScript, HTML, Perl and PostgreSQL.

  • designing, creating and using the Database (PostgreSQL)
  • developing the client's User Interface using PHP, JavaScript, HTML and graphics tools
  • developing administration tools in Perl and PHP

5. Financial Project - My Positions: Senior Web Developer and Designer

It is an online system for calculating Risk factors in financial investment.

  • designing, creating and using a Database (PostgreSQL)
  • developing the client's User Interface using PHP, JavaScript, HTML and graphics tools

6. SecuredSQL Project - My Positions: Architect and Senior Programmer

SecuredSQL encrypts and transfers the database data between Client and Server. Entirely written in Java (Java Swing for the administration tools), it is a JDBC bridge to a JDBC driver and uses crypt data transfer. Uses TCP/IP socket for communication, SSL was used to secure the transferred data.

1. Project DomainGrabber - Java agent, which constantly looks for the availability of specified domain names and buys them immediately if possible.

used languages and techniques :

   Java 1.4, JSSE, EJB/JSP/Servlets, Java Script, HTML, CSS, OOD

used http/app servers :

   Apache, Tomcat, JBoss

used database :


2. Project ActionGrabber - very interesting product, which works as a hidden applet on the client's browser. It detects all clients' activities and reports them to the server. Helps the marketing division of a company to monitor the activities of a visitor on a specified website.

used languages and techniques :

   Java Applets, EJB/JSP/Servlets, Web Services

used http/app servers :

   Apache, Tomcat, JBoss

used database :


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