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New Post 4/13/2010 10:46 AM
User is offline John Evanoff
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Re: Common career track for Business Analysts or Business Systems Analysts? 

I have to agree with fizz on the likelihood of moving into the Finance role as I have had similar experiences.  Such a move is possible under the right circumstances, though.

The key to making this progression is a hiring manager who is willing to take a risk on an unproven (in this role) entity.  For some, lack of previous experience in Financial Analysis is a deal breaker.  For others, it is not as much of an issue.  You will find that making this switch will be easier in two scenarios.  First, in a hot job market where it is difficult to attract the perfect fit due to competition, hiring managers will be willing to look beyond the normal pool of applicants.  Second, if you have an existing relationship with the hiring manager, the risk is mitigated because your aptitude and abilities have already been established.

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