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New Post 11/21/2007 3:55 AM
User is offline dragoniasty
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EUCIP Qualification 

I’m considering bringing my qualifications to the next level and considering the EUCIP Professional certification. Apparently this qualification is accredited by the European Council of Informatics Professionals. My question is did any of you ever heard about the EUCIP Professional profiles, I want the Business Analyst or Information System Project Manager Maybe any of you achieved it already? Let me know what you think about it and its market value. The website is Thanks a lot

New Post 11/22/2007 1:13 AM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
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Re: EUCIP Qualification 

I have not heard of this in Australia.

Possibly the leading BA accreditations before the IIBA in Australia were the Australian BA association, and the PMI's CAPM.  I guess six sigma could also work as BA accreditation.

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