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New Post 2/13/2010 6:48 AM
User is offline lailei
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Office politics problem? 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 2/14/2010 12:08:07 AM)

While most employees have the misconception that office politics is about backbiting and backstabbing, what it’s really about is doing things to help you grow in the office. To get a promotion, climb up the corporate ladder, more enjoyment and comfort at a job or hob nob for a new project. Office politics is actually about getting the best opportunities to learn and grow. Unfortunately, office politics is everywhere and you can’t really run away from it. So, you have no choice but to master it. It’s all about how you deal.

New Post 2/17/2010 9:04 PM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: Office politics problem? 

 People communicating and networking and interacting socially is one thing.  Conflict and discrimination is another.

What is typically called 'office politics' often has it's roots in conflicting organisational goals and misalignment in structure and departmental priorities.

So - what's going on over there?


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