Google Chrome just stole my detailed post... back to IE for me for now 
Based on what you've posted, I would think you would be well suited to a field that focuses on the development of complex algorithms to solve hard problems. Quantitative finance, operations management and video game development (graphics and/or game AI) come to mind off of the top of my head. In these areas you would not be a day to day coder necessarily, but instead focusing on developing provably optimal solutions.
I'm not trying to dissuade you to get into BA positions if that's what you really want to do - it just sounds like from what you described that you would be more into a job that worked on solving interesting and challenging problems. I worked in the before optimal nonlinear filtering, which we applied to areas such as defense, quant finance, performing arts and many others.
I would suggest that you start to look into some of the above fields and see what types of companies are hiring. Typically large companies such as Lockheed Martin, Electronic Arts, etc. are your best bet. I don't know what part of the world you're from, but a good place to start would be your school's career office. If you don't have one, start chatting up your profs and see if they can help. Look for applied science academics who have research projects sponsored by these types of companies.
One place to start that can show you the possiblities is the MITACS site. This was an organization I was affiliated with in the past and focused on bringing advanced mathematics into industry. I co-spun off a couple of companies from here, and have friends who did as well. Look through their Partners and Commercialization pages to see what's out there and what can be done.
Hope this helps!