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New Post 6/9/2008 2:23 AM
User is offline srikanth
33 posts
9th Level Poster

3 decisions taken with and without approval of supervisor in Agile 


I got a job evaluation form from a recruiter can u please help me with this

1) List 3 decisions made or duties performed without reference of supervisors or subsequent checks(ex: like complete and send out monthly reports)

2) List 3 decisions on which consultation or approval should be sought from a supervisor (e.g. ‘award client discount over X% in value’).

Can any one please help help with this questions.

Thank you ,



New Post 6/12/2008 11:55 AM
User is offline Adrian M.
765 posts
3rd Level Poster

Re: 3 decisions taken with and without approval of supervisor in Agile 

Hi Srikanth,

Your questions underscore another foundational competency area for any Business Analyst: decision making (aka common sense).

In this case, it looks like the recruiter is trying to get a sense of your decision making abilities and skills by having you give some examples of situations:

  • when made decisions on your own without consulting with your manager or supervisor, and
  • when you consulted with a manager or supervisor before proceeding.

Hope this helps!

- Adrian

Adrian Marchis
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