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New Post 5/27/2008 2:41 AM
User is offline amit jogey
2 posts
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BA Certificarion 
Hi, I'm working as a BA for a life insurance company. Can you please help/guide me with following questions? 1. how good Is the IBM certification "Requirement management with use cases" (consits of test #s 636,637,638 and 839) and does it have any recognition in industry? 2. Is there any other certification to increase/showcase your knowledge about regular business analysis concepts? Has anyone completed this kind of certification? Requesting you to please guide me... Thanks in advance. Amit J.
New Post 5/27/2008 5:43 AM
Accepted Answer 
User is offline Perry McLeod
70 posts
8th Level Poster

Re: BA Certificarion 

Have you done any research into the IIBA - International Institute of Business Analysts or our industry recognized professional certification CBAP - Certified Business Analysis Professional?

I would suggest that you take a look at out site - and see if you qualify for certification.

Perry McLeod, CBAP, PMP | Senior Business Analysis Consultant
Vice President Professional Development and Certification, IIBA Toronto/GTA

New Post 5/29/2008 2:30 AM
User is offline amit jogey
2 posts
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Re: BA Certificarion 
Thanks for the information... I went thru' the detail. It looks like the current certification requires 10+ yrs of experience. I do not have that much experience. The certification looks interesting to pursue in future. Meanwhile can some one give me information about IBM certification. I have gone thru the website and have some information but i can not find out if I can appear for the exams (IBM test 636,637,638 and 839) without going through training? I also can not find the books that will cover 1. Requirement management with Use Cases 2. Rational RequisitPro 3. Rational Unified Process (Above topics are asked in the IBM certification examinations)
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