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New Post 4/29/2008 4:24 AM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Written and verbal skills 
Modified By  on 4/29/2008 10:19:55 AM)

A report was recently published in Australia that highlights the challenges that people fron non englisg speaking background face when looking to develop their career.

I don't have the details to hand (heard it on the radio) but the key challenge to people who, for example, do IT and business degrees in getting work is their English writing and speaking skills.

So to all of you guys and girls out there who struggle with English but want to work in Australia, the US or Canada; make sure you invest sufficient time and energy into honing those speaking and writing skills.

MA provides and excellent opportunity for developing your writing skills via the forums.  You could also start blogging on Business Analysis (either here or on another platform.)  Both are great opportunities for practice and feedback.

As for speaking; joining groups like Toastmasters can help you get the practice you need to be successful in your career.

Good luck.

Craig Brown
Better Projects
Modern Analyst Core Member

New Post 5/6/2008 7:02 AM
User is offline vamshi
3 posts
No Ranking

Re: Written and verbal skills 



Thanks for providing us some important information.


I have 6 yrs experience in financial industry as a QA Engineer, User Experience design Lead, and now a Business Analsyt.

However of 5 interviews I attend , i get through 1 , which is very easy or they dont ask me more questions.

I some how feel nervous when in an interview room, but outside , i communicate freely with every one about my skills confidently.

in this case does toast masters will really help me..

Thanks for your help.

- vamshi


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