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New Post 6/12/2019 12:52 AM
User is offline gotcha41
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most desired Finance specialization? (for a BA) 

I want to be an IT Business Analyst within the finance area, but in order to pick a specialization, I wonder which one is the most desired one (in terms of demand and job opportunities)?

For instance:

Product costing

Price & planning

Financial steering

Custormer & supplier transactions


General Accounting & Period end

Statutory/Tax reporting



 Many thanks


New Post 7/17/2019 5:13 AM
User is offline Stewart F
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Re: most desired Finance specialization? (for a BA) 

Hi Gotcha41, 

It is rare that you will work within just one domain that you listed above. Quite often a BA is company or organisation specific, not a particular area within it. To answer your own question, I would suggest you look at jobs in the area you are looking to work in (which you didn't mention) and see how many jobs match your criteria. 

Remember that the more specialised you become, the less opportunities there are out there, and also the potential to button hole yourself to only one sort of role. I would suggest you broaden your horizons a bit and become a BA who specialises in Finance. In London, UK there is quite a bit or need for such BAs but I couldn't find any jobs specialising in any one of your particular domains. The US may be different, but I would still broaden out a bit. 

New Post 9/8/2020 12:29 AM
User is offline MyLogicVideos
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Re: most desired Finance specialization? (for a BA) 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 9/8/2020 9:48:30 AM)

There are several professinal finance courses also one can consider. They are a great asset to a fast grwoing career. Few of them are - CMA USA, ACCA, FRM, CFA, CPA USA etc.

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