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New Post 8/13/2020 10:57 AM
User is offline sunny gurung
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Advice regarding Business Analyst Career 

Hello Team,

I am routing my career towards Business Analyst focusing towards technology. I just got off one of the project where i got to work as a functional designer. I really like the role.I have been trying to figure out how to be better in BA role. I got one of the classes done in Udemy which taught about basic foundation of BA.

I was wondering if someone could give me advice how i can prepare myself for the BA role. What kind of training or cert to start off with?

New Post 8/27/2020 11:43 PM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Advice regarding Business Analyst Career 

Hi Sunny,

No one responded? If you haven't found anything already check out and their range of certficiations. A new entry is the PMI who have a certification for business analysts now as well as project managers. I don't know anything about it but its worth looking at as an alternative to IIBA. Industry and government in some countries are looking for certifications. Plus you'll get a good theoretical grounding.

Another way to go is to seek out mentors to help you. In your company or possibly through one of the organisations I mentioned above.


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