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New Post 3/27/2017 1:32 PM
User is offline Alek
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Working as a BA in London, UK 

I currently work as a BA in Toronto, Canada and will soon be moving to London, UK for family reasons. I wanted to know more about the specifics of being a BA in London. 1. What the job market is like (has the Brexit affected it, will it have any effect in the future?), the average salary for a BA with 5 years of experience. 2. Difference between contract and full time positions (administrative, salary, job availability). 3. What specific skills/experiences are in high demand? Thanks for the help.

New Post 6/7/2017 1:32 AM
User is offline srikanth
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Re: Working as a BA in London, UK 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 4/26/2018 11:06:26 AM)
I am working as BA in London from past 12 years and good news is that there are fair demand for Business Analysts in London. I am not sure about the affects of Brexit in london market (there are lots of projections..) however, there is a high demand for BA's who got domain experience in banking, Mifid 2, investment banking, web, marketing, seo etc...Please look at IT jobwatch, jobserve websites to get an idea on avg. salaries paid with your skill set.                        Hope it helps,
Good luck.

New Post 4/25/2018 11:25 PM
User is offline Jeff Larsen
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Re: Working as a BA in London, UK 

From my experience, you have to try for SEO   

New Post 5/8/2018 9:18 PM
User is offline maverick 01
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Re: Working as a BA in London, UK 

Thanks for your suggestions, srikanth

New Post 9/10/2019 5:37 AM
User is offline Steve 06
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Re: Working as a BA in London, UK 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 9/10/2019 10:17:14 AM)

There is a lot of opportunity for Business Analysts in London. You can find a highly paid job in BA job in London very easily as they are in current demand.

If you are wondering on where to look, i use this site often 

Good luck with the move


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