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New Post 8/3/2017 9:02 AM
User is offline R.Prashanth
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Advice needed for career change 

Hi all

I am Prashanth, working as a mechanical site engineer for a private company in India. Got graduated in 2013 and I am working for the past three years. Now I want to pursue my career in analytics. Some say that it is useful and good for any engineering graduate and can get placed in top firms once they complete PG in BABAI. But some say that it will be useful for only the IT people to boost their career who are already working as an analyst. I am confused. Kindly share your ideas. Thanks in advance.

New Post 8/11/2017 8:06 AM
User is offline Becka
2 posts
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Re: Advice needed for career change 

Good Morning Prashanth,

It is true that many analyst positions fall within the IT realm.  However, analytics is used in many aspects of business.  I entered my career as an end user of applications and then moved into an analytic position.  Growing the position for the past decade.  There are many learning opportunities in the analytics field that can be molded or grown with your current career as a mechanical site engineer.  It is really up to where you want your career to go.  You can add analytics training and add to your current resume, or take an entirely new route to IT and Analytics. 


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