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New Post 9/16/2010 1:01 AM
User is offline Goldie
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9th Level Poster

Waterfall vs Agile 

See the Waterfall vs Agile comparison on this youtube channel:


New Post 9/16/2010 12:39 PM
User is offline Tony Markos
493 posts
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Re: Waterfall vs Agile 


The video does a good job talking about agile/waterfall.   However, it does not talk about the two approaches from a Business Analyst's perspective.    What is the major task of a BA on an Agile project?    Answer:  To come up with with a big picture of the essentials - and only the essentials (i.e., a "just enough" big picture). 

What is the major task of a BA on a Waterfall project?  Answer: To come up with a big picture of the essentials - and only the essentials.

Notice that they are the same.   Where BA's get confused is in mistaking bad Waterfall with good Waterfall.   In bad Waterfall, there is way too much documentation.   But bad Waterfall is not good Waterfall.  Good Waterfall is just as focused on the essential (the "just enough) as is Agile.



New Post 10/1/2010 1:43 AM
User is offline Goldie
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9th Level Poster

Re: Waterfall vs Agile 


I think the video implies that (that Good Waterfall and Agile cover the same ground) - structure vs improv strategy.

These are classic distinctions - there is another video on the site that covers E and O Theories, which essentially talks about the same conflicts.



New Post 11/29/2010 2:23 AM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: Waterfall vs Agile 

 If you trawl through the IAG whitepapers there is one that highlights project success is affected much more by requirements maturity than project delivery method.  It's worth a look.  Can't find the reference right now... somewhere on

New Post 2/18/2011 11:04 PM
User is offline SteveBoulanger
38 posts
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Re: Waterfall vs Agile  

I think waterfall model has great efficiency because efficiency is decided by the quality of ultimate software product.


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