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New Post 8/31/2023 3:29 AM
User is offline markyjane
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Next Steps As An AGILE BA 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 8/31/2023 1:39:38 PM)

I have a lot of questions with regards to becoming an AGILE BA.

I will be working on an EPIC very soon. However, in the meantime, the product owner has assigned me a number of user stories to work on. These are within the 'TO DO' column on KANBAN.


What do I do when they are in the TO DO column?

After I have completed what would have been needed to do on the story, what is the next step after that?

When it comes to changing the status of a story who does that? myself or the product owner?


Do I need to reassign a story to a tech/dev person once I have completed working on the story or?


Are there any liaising I need to do with the users/stakeholders within the 'TO DO' part? Or would this have already been covered off by the product owner?


Just looking for a clear and concise logical flow of what and how the process would be/looks like working on a story and how it flows through/who changes what on the status/ etc , etc


Many thanks!!!

New Post 10/12/2023 8:42 PM
User is offline Samigget
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Re: Next Steps As An AGILE BA 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 10/13/2023 1:47:11 PM)

Review the user stories assigned to you in the "TO DO" column on the Kanban board.
Understand the requirements and clarify any ambiguities or uncertainties with the product owner.
Break down the user stories into smaller tasks, if necessary, to ensure clarity and feasibility.

New Post 10/17/2023 6:59 PM
User is offline michaelmeagher
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Re: Next Steps As An AGILE BA 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 10/17/2023 10:22:00 PM)

Hello, I think I can answer some questions.

2.  After completing the tasks, the next step is to move the user story to the appropriate column on the Kanban board. Typically, this would be the "IN REVIEW" or "READY FOR TESTING" column.

3.  If there are additional tasks or steps required after your work is complete, such as testing or deployment, the user story may need to be reassigned to the respective team member responsible for those tasks. This could be a tester or a DevOps engineer, depending on your team's workflow.

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