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New Post 8/22/2016 1:29 AM
User is offline Phil@GSL
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User Story Workshop  


Does anyone have any good tips for facilitating an interactive user story workshop with the business users?

My goal is to take the process gaps I have identified between a new platform and the existing business and create high level features that can be used to T-Shirt size in order to support ongoing investment.

These features will be broken down into user stories when appropriate, so, at this stage, it's quite high level i.e. Epics.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks

New Post 4/18/2017 4:29 AM
User is offline Jayman21
28 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: User Story Workshop  


The starting point as you rightly have it is the Epic. What I would normally do is generate the user stories off the Epics (within your delivery team first).

For your workshop day, have on the walls in columns; Epics, User Stories, Issues / Risks, Others User Needs (which are yet to be captured).

During the workshop, explain to your audience how you came about the decomposed user stories from the original Epics.

Walk them through the user stories on the wall one after the other then allow for 20 to 30 mins for your audience to write on post it notes any comments they may have; Regarding the listed user stories, issues / risk they identified based on user stories on the wall or additional user needs that comes to mind at that point.

After the workshop spend some time with your delivery team at collating the information you have captured.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards


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