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New Post 9/6/2016 4:59 PM
User is offline Jayman21
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Documentation in an Agile Way: Whats the best aproach? 

Hello All,

What documentations would you consider important to produce / develop as a business analyst from end to end if running an Agile project for example development and implementation of a problem management system into an organisation?



New Post 9/7/2016 9:05 PM
User is offline *FJC
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Re: Documentation in an Agile Way: Whats the best aproach? 


    When it is agile, following documents are must.

1. Business Requirement Document (What is agreed on client and company is assured)

2. Kick off MOM (What is to be start with is verified)

3. Detailed Project Plan (Take a sign on the plan that is approved so that deliveries of sprints are clear)

4. Functional Requirement Document (Defines the technical aspect of BRD and Use Cases), etc.

   According to me these are must to make the scope clear. 



New Post 12/18/2016 5:01 PM
User is offline Jayman21
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Re: Documentation in an Agile Way: Whats the best aproach? 

Thanks FJC. Most believe the development and maintenance of Business Requirement Documents, detailed project plan, functional requirement document is not Agile. And the reason is that these documents do not easily adapt to changing situation plus they take time to development plus maintain hence taking take from development and feedback cycle. I am keen to hear the thoughts of others.




New Post 1/19/2017 8:32 PM
User is offline amitabhkishore
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Re: Documentation in an Agile Way: Whats the best aproach? 

As per my view, level of documentation needed in Agile is limited to the level of documentation requirement of the development team. If the team can understand functionality through one page document, no need to write a long and beautiful document just to make it formal. In Agile, we use stories (requirements) and flesh out stories with acceptance criteria. The acceptance criteria provides enough details (functional requirements, non-functional requirements, functionality flow, business rules, validations, and error messages etc.) to the dev team to consume and build the feature. If even after this, the dev team requires clarification on points, conversation plays important role to clear doubts and that is also quick and less time taking than clarifying through document. We may choose to create Business Requirement Document as it defines the scope, but other documents can be dispensed with for sake of stories and acceptance criteria. 

New Post 2/28/2017 1:27 AM
User is offline sutnarcha
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Re: Documentation in an Agile Way: Whats the best aproach? 


It is best recommended Not to spend a lot of time in creating word / excel / power point documents in Agile Scrum projects. Any Agile project uses a tool like Jira to manage projects. BAs are recommended to use Jira for tractability of requirements. Jira can be used for defining requirements, documenting solutions and approaches considered to meet requirements, groom user stories, identify development tasks, track progress, track bugs, issues, impediments, and overall delivery.

So, since the rest of Development team uses Jira, it is best recommended to use Jira for BA documentation as well. We do this in our projects, and it works very well from an overall requirement tractability perspective.

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