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New Post 10/18/2011 12:38 AM
User is offline karthik
1 posts
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Reg : Looking 4 BA openings 


This is karthik here. Am a basically an MBA graduate with 5+ yrs of experience in Life  Insurance domain. Currently looking forward for a change in industry and job role as BA in IT industry. Request your feedback and guidence on the same. 

New Post 4/28/2012 8:11 AM
User is offline Shane
3 posts
No Ranking

Re: Reg : Looking 4 BA openings 

Hi Karthik,

Before starting your carrier as Business Analyst, I would suggest you to do a formal Business Analayst Training. This will give you confidence and will help you clear the interview. BA Trainging should not take more than 6-8 weeks. 

Followings are the integrents of successful BA :

1. Good Communication Skills

2. Strong Documentation Skills

3. Excellent Analytical Skills

4. Maintaining Strong Relationships

5. Ability to Understand Business and ask Questions


Best of Luck! :)


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